Germany 2006, 7min, shot on super 16
short description
SONNTAG MORGEN tells the story of a separation, a separation of two lovers, a separation of two women.
The music of the song – which has the same name as the movie – gives the tempo, the lyrics of the song the dialogue.
Petra Martina Hesse
Petras lover Carola Sigg
director Beate Kunath
camera Thomas Beckmann
camera assistent Juliane Lachnitt
photo camera, editing Beate Kunath
sonntags – zwischen eigenen worten / Marlen Pelny
special thanks to
Thomas Beckmann
Marlen Pelny
thanks to
HFF München
Eiselt Film Dresden
Frank Nimser
Dirk Hammitzsch
Yvonne Zückmantel
Torsten Müller
Udo Friedel
André Koch
difranco -cafe/kneipe
[bi:kei] productions / Beate Kunath | Chemnitzer Filmwerkstatt
© 2006
03/2008 purchase by mdr – Fernsehen / Germany
05/2007 SONNTAG MORGEN appears on the DVD “LIEBESPERLEN 1” by Edition Satzgeber / Germany

19,90 € (+ shipping through Amazon)
12/2013 TV – Ausstralung / mdr – Kurzfilmnacht
04/2013 TV – Ausstralung / mdr – Kurzfilmnacht
5. XPOSED International Queer Short Film Festival / Berlin //Germany
Neue Sächsische Galerie / Chemnitz // Germany
OutView Film Festival- Athens International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival // Greece
2009 Nachtschicht Zelluloid im Schauspielhaus Chemnitz // Germany
TV – Ausstralung / mdr – Kurzfilmnacht
Internationales Kurzfilmfestival Dresden / Regionaler Focus – Kulturelle Filmförderung aus Sachsen // Germany
2007/2008 Veranstaltung tonstreifen (Film – Beate Kunath, Musik – Marlen Pelny) Frauenzentrum Lila Villa, Feuerwache / Magdeburg, Kuze / Potsdam
, Verein Kellnerstraße / Halle, Freizeitheim / Berlin // Germany
2007 LGBT Film Festival “PRYZMAT” Warschau // Poland
2007 19. QueerFilmFestival / Esslingen // Germany
2007 Gay Film Nights Cluj-Napoca // Rumania
2007 1. L-Filmnacht / Berlin // Germany
2007 Moritzhof / Magdeburg // Germany
2007 identities lesbisch-schwules Filmfestival / Wien // Austria
2006 Seattle Lesbian & Gay Film Festival // USA
2006 Paris Feminist & Lesbian Film Festival // France
2006 17th Hamburg International Lesbian and Gay Film Festival // Germany
2006 female short-cuts Düsseldorf // Germany
2006 19th image + nation: Montréal International LBGT Film Festival // Canada
2006 14th Lesbian Looks – University of Tucson /Arizona // USA
2006 Mestre Film Festival // Italy
2006 5th Q! Film Festival Jakarta // Indonesia
2006 30th San Fransisco International lGBT Film Festival // USA
2006 Nacht der Premieren Chemnitz // Germany
2006 Pink Screen Film Festival Brussels // Belgium
2006 PREMIERE 21. International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival Torino // Italy