Germany 2008 / 2009, 45min, shot on Super 8
short description
Petra travels to Toronto. In memory is her one last call. Strayed feelings, bursting hopes and the memories that have remained to accompany her in the weeks that follow.
“A quotation by the Japanese writer Haruki Murakami from ‘Kafka am Strand’ is the starting point for this diary, shot on Super 8.” Beate Kunath
Petra is spoken by Carmen Katt
screenplay, camera, directing and editing Beate Kunath
dramaturgical support Sirko Knüpfer, Anke Neumann and Kristin Dörner
music Dazlious play’s (Susann Walther, Oliver Götze, Maximilian Kleefeldt)
translation Astrid Lohse
technical support Chemnitzer Filmwerkstatt and Friedemann Raatz
shot in Toronto / Kanada und Buffalo / USA, Mai 2007
thanks to
Melina von Gagern, Eva Neubert, Jon Smithen, Yvonne Zückmantel, Marlen Pelny, Anja Hüttner, Carsten Gebhardt, Ralf Glaser, Thomas Beckmann, Hendrik Reichel, Ainhoa Alvarez, Frank Nimser, Enrico Merkel, Kathleen Mullen, Francesco Gagliardi, Imogen Dicki, Jack, Dieter Wuschanski, Martina Hesse, Mareike Schneider, Familie Kunath, difrancos
The creation of the film was made possible by a scholarship from the Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsens.
[bi:kei] productions / Beate Kunath
© 2008 / 2009
09/2017 Ausstellungsreihe ‘Partnerstädtische Kunst’ der Galerien e.artis contemporary und Borssenanger in Chemnitz / Germany
08/2016 EINZELDINGE – Galerie weltecho · galerie OSCAR / Chemnitz // Germany
09/2014 I LIKE IT RAW – WHAT THE FAK – neurotitan Galerie Haus Schwarzenberg / Berlin // Germany
03/2013 Sonntags Club – Frauenfreitag / Berlin // Germany
09/2010 14th Lisbon Gay and Lesbian Film Festival / Portugal
27th TORINO Film Festival / Italy
Nachtschicht Zelluloid – Schauspielhaus Chemnitz / Germany
05/2008 PREMIERE Clubkino Siegmar – Chemnitz